Huna and Prosperity 01/08/10 |
Buyer Beware and How to Choose the Right Spiritual Teacher 12/10/09 |
Encore Presentation: The 8 Beliefs that Wealthy People Have 03/26/09 |
Using Huna to Achieve Optimal Health 01/13/09 |
Resolving Conflicts 11/20/08 |
The 8 Beliefs that Wealthy People Have 10/09/08 |
The Illusion of Scarcity: You are what you believe 09/26/08 |
Huna Prosperity: Become a Manifestation Magnet with Money, Relationships, and Health 08/20/08 |
Huna and Forgiveness: How do you forgive when your lover has cheated and how do you create a magical relationship 07/30/08 |
Huna and Creating SMART Goals 06/20/08 |
Huna: Finding Love and Creating a Meaningful Relationship 05/21/08 |
Happiness: How to Create It, How to Keep it 04/25/08 |
Living Our Life's Purpose 03/26/08 |
Communicate and Present Effectively - Conquering a fear that affects us all! 02/06/08 |
Creating Prosperity and Wealth 01/10/08 |
Forgiveness, NLP and Huna and Energy 12/28/07 |
Using Huna to Redesign Your Life - Are You Thinking New Year's Resolutions? 11/27/07 |
Energy and How it Relates to Prosperity 10/11/07 |
Enlightened Capitalism - Encore Show 09/03/07 |
Ho’oponopono – the Hawaiian Forgiveness Process. 08/23/07 |
What is Huna? A General Introduction 07/27/2007 |
Time Empowerment Techniques – An Effective Method to Create Quick, Lasting Change 6/15/2007 |
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - The Power to Understand and Direct Human Experience, Communication, and Behavior 5/23/2007 |
2/8/2007 |
2007 The Benefits of Hypnotherapy
1/18/2007 |
Spirituality and the Success Connection
11/13/2006 |
Spirituality and Money
10/5/2006 |
Change Your Mind With Hypnosis 8/3/06 |
Empowerment Partnership 6/26/06 |
NLP and the Huna Workshops 4/17/06 |
Change your beliefs, change your life, the power of NLP 4/10/06 |
Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You 3/27/06 |